In the event that you need to export the flowchart whether it is digital or on paper, Tracts makes it easy. You MUST have SVG view enabled. This allows for scalable printing. The node ration to total height can ruin your view when printing. You want bigger nodes to be able to read them when printed. To reduce the number of final owners in the flowchart for printing – click on a party name to prune OR by subtract.


1. Download as PNG

2. Download as SVG

3. Print



How to Export

To access the exporting menu, right-click inside the flowchart. 


Exporting Formats

Save PNG

This option is more accessible for different viewers but can become pixelated.


Save SVG

This option offers better graphics but is not as accessible to everyone. We recommend a powerful view such as Adobe Illustrator. There are free SVG viewers available to download but be careful with distortion of the view window.



The exported flowchart will be divided up on to several pages in landscape view.